Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My desire is to create a 24 hour innovative Alzheimer and Dementia ultimate alternative care center for Seniors daycare center

My desire is to create a new innovative type of Senior rehabilitation day-care/night-care center that will render services catered to each individual needs, empowering and encouraging individuals.

Elevating Alzheimer and Dementia Clients to a happier, serener state of being with pride and dignity in their lives. Alowing them to have and keep total control of their estate and continue to manage all of their monies and possessions with an option to have a power of attorney and no need for a guardian, and nobody taking advantage of them, meaning no senior abuse. Definetly no public guardian where you absolutely have no control over any aspect of your life.

{In scenarios where seniors have gotten a reverse mortgage and it wasn't one of the best advantageous decision that they could have made; they can claim duress, stressing that they were mentally inconpacitated at the time of the closeing. Recieve monies back from the reverse mortgage company and go with a forward mortgage.}

{Presently, I Pray that I never become a dementia or alzheimer patient which is one of my biggest fears that I have for myself and other people too. I do suffer with mild anxiety attacks and depression that are distubing to me. I know I need to take yoga classes to help improve my mental and emotional state of being}

I been wishing that I can take a yoga class because I am aware of the benefits of deep breathing and the effects that it has on the mind as far as the cleansing, calming regenerative effects it has on the brain. Just imagine everyone that seem like they were in the early stages of dementia and they were told that they can prevent dementia or alzheimer from happening to them their would be many happy people all over the world. No one wants their brain to be in a deteriorated state of being. This is my calling to help people in a natural sense to become whole again because these people still have feeling and pride and they are aware of the chances that their mind is taking them through and they don't know what to do about it

There are scenarios where families are faced with a very close family member that is drinking alcohol and suffering with dementia or alzheimer and you can't tell them anything because they know everything. They won't take their medication, such as aricept, correctly or at all and they won't let anyone help them. Because they love their independence and you don't won't to take it away from them either. You want to help them and they shoot down every attempt that you make to help them. They get angry when a family member tried to help them, they may listen to an outside person that is trained to help them, which I believe that the right person can help to bring about the changes that are needed. Denial issues are often experience with someone suffering from these diseases.

There are many seniors that have suffer strokes due to prolong drug use and this is on rise in the inner cities, and all across America this is an issue that needs to be address so that they can become fuctional people again. My vision is to have a chain of senior rehabilitation day-care/night-care center all across america.

For these individuals you can't take them completely out of their home because they still recognize that it is their home that they bought and paid for it and to force them into a nursing home is to commit them to an early death or too completely lose touch with reality. Many times when a person goes to a nursing home they lose their home to the state.

Therefore, I suggest a senior rehabilitation daycare/nightcare for families that need help during the night time who need to work this will address many of the issues associated with individuals families who are suffering with these issues.

This will allow the client to socialize with other people and increase their longevity and age gracefully and live with more dignity.

Specializing in helping seniors in the early stages of alzheimer become happier, more fuctional, serene people who's spirits will be lifted by activities, such as yoga sessions where they will be practicing deep breathing techniques which will also generate an income stream by their spouse or companion to join the fittness center with the clients. Initially the companion or spouse will receive a free pass for three visit to the yoga sessions, physical therapy, exercising daily in the fittness center that will generate an income stream by allowing their spouse or companion to join the fittness center with the clients. Initially the companion or spouse will receive a free pass for three visit to the fitness center located on the premises. Ageing gracfully classes are taught by a chiroprator.

Anger management classes, senile depression management classes, denial classes, exercise classes,
Yoga classes- deep breathing to helps to cleans the plaque off the brain; to help cleanse the lungs and the body.
Ageing gracefully classes, dementia and Alzheimers classes that will teach them about dementia and alzheimer which will let them know that they are not along in this battle with their disease and all the different progression of these diseases. Show them the effects of alcohol on the brain of a person with dementia or alzheimers through movies or videos.

Show them scenarios where a person has improve memory that been experiencing memory loss, and shows where the dementia or alzheimer does not worsen thur a case study that will give them hope by knowing that their disease can be delayed from progressing any further when caught in time with right actions taken in the appropiate time-frame to reverse the deterioration of the brain.

There will be a graduation celebration when they show improvement. This will be inspirational to the other clients who are there too that who have witness the transformation in the clients

Entertainment such as birthday party celebrations, entertainment such a movies, chess, videos games, computer literacy classes,
card games, computer solitary games, worry balls work devinely with the brain to improve brain function

Tools used in treatment will:
In time, in terms of many years the brain become healthier and you notice your intelligence and memory improves. Keeps the mind sober, fatigue goes away, your worries disappear, stress is reduced, your life is extended.

There are health tools used as a compliment of preventive healthcare system, health benefits are maximized

The nutritional aspect played a great role in coping with dementia and alzhiemers. This will help alzheimer and dementia clients tremendously.

Water is the number one nutrient that needs to be consumed in steamed-distilled water only.

Brain foods that are naturally advantageous to their brain health: Specific foods will be use in this treatment plan too.

Presently I am looking for a partnership to help me launch my new rehabilitation center. Also I am looking for donations to help create this foundation. Call Loretta Sturdivant at 773-793-1032

Job referrals, drug counseling, day care services already on site, transforming lives for the betterment of society. Included with a wellness center on site to test for any STD, anticipating psychiatric conditions for post drug abuse uses, such as anxiety, fears, depression, etc. , along with a pharmacy on site. Providing transportation for our clients.

Years ago I worked in a nursing home as a nursing assistance and all the resident appeared to be very bored and the Alzheimer residents were just lost souls trapped in a nursing home and their bodies.

There will be a wellness clinic catering to the seniors, senior drug abusers,
geriatric doctors, chiropractors doctors, counselors.

The kitchen/restaurant and juice bar can be a revenue stream for the foundation as well.

Security officers will be present thoughout the facility.

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